653 654 342


Quality & Reliability

BodhiTubes specializes in the handcrafted production of Hypalon neoprene (CSM) tubes, delivering fully personalized, durable, and high-quality solutions. We are committed to providing products that guarantee both quality and reliability, excelling in first-class finishes and exceptional performance.

Handcrafted Manufacturing of Neoprene Tubes

Our focus on personalization and durability allows us to supply Hypalon neoprene tubes to specialized shipyards and workshops, mainly handcrafted by our expert technicians. This meticulous process ensures high-quality products that perfectly fit your needs.

Special Configurations

We offer fully personalized designs and configurations for each client, ensuring that each solution not only fits perfectly but also enhances the functionality and aesthetics of the boat.

Custom Logos

We excel in customizing logos and plates for your boat, using CNC technology to create precise designs of Hypalon neoprene, ready to mount and personalize your boat with style.

Comprehensive Repair and Restoration Service

We provide a complete repair and restoration service for your tubes, starting with a thorough inspection to identify any defects and suggest the best solution to keep your tubes in optimal condition.

Medidas seam to seam

Medidas end to end